In Matthew 12:21-35 we read an interesting account of Jesus responding to a question from Peter. It was a good question and one that I believe was sincere. Peter was not trying to find a loophole or a way to skirt around an issue. His question was, “Lord, how many times am I supposed to… Read More »
Today, my wife and I stopped for lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. We were escorted to a table near the back and seated in a busy spot, next to the kitchen entryway. As we settled into our seats and began to empty the basket of tortilla chips that was placed in front of us,… Read More »
There is an assumption, that pastors like to talk. I may be an exception to that idea, as I really would prefer to sit alone at home and read a book rather than to talk with people. (Are you surprised?) Don’t get it wrong, I love people and I love pastoring the flock that God… Read More »
I remember the day clearly. I had recently moved to a new location as I moved up in my military career. My record spoke for itself, my experience was more than adequate for the new assignment, and my ability to function as part of a larger team unquestionable. I was excited to meet my new… Read More »
Once, there was a time when I was really into motorcycles. I mean REALLY into motorcycles. You might even say that I was a bit eccentric. I couldn’t stop with just one, I had to have more. If I recall correctly, at one point there were at least 5 of them in our garage. Nice… Read More »
The poor. We find them all around us. They are a part of the very fabric of our society. We have seen the tent encampments along the creeks and rivers in our towns. We have observed the grocery carts full of personal belongings. Daily, we are made aware of the needs of individuals that stand… Read More »
It’s the season of love! Valentine’s Day is just hours away. It’s exciting and thrilling when you know someone loves you, and additionally to know that you love them in return. I remember the day well when I first laid eyes upon the prettiest girl that I had ever seen. On a dare I asked… Read More »
I recall several years ago hearing it said of someone that I worked with, “he loves to hear himself talk.” I understood the meaning and that it was simply a reflection upon the individual being discussed as one that talked too much. The reality of it was, they probably did. However, throughout my time as… Read More »
There is a feature that is installed by the manufacturer, on every vehicle that is made. It matters not if it is a Cadillac or a Toyota Prius such as I drive. We may not like it. It may annoy us. It may even make us uneasy at times. But it is there for a… Read More »
I’m sure some can relate. I was the baby of my family. There were two older brothers and two older sisters. While I am not real sure how it happened, nearly ten years after the clan was “complete” along I came to upset all of the great dreams and lofty aspirations that my older siblings… Read More »