There is an assumption, that pastors like to talk. I may be an exception to that idea, as I really would prefer to sit alone at home and read a book rather than to talk with people. (Are you surprised?) Don’t get it wrong, I love people and I love pastoring the flock that God has blessed me with, but I am really not the talker that some might believe me to be.
I have found though that in conversation when people learn about my background, that I often hear something along these lines, “I was going to join the military, but…” and they begin to list the reasons as to why they didn’t. “I was going to, but…” “I was almost ready, but…” “I really wanted to, but…”
It’s understandable that not everyone would serve and I don’t see any reason to disparage those who chose a different career path. Yet I am troubled by the thought that some who have spoken words such as this to me, are middle aged, even seniors and the prime of their life has slipped away. And now many years later, in conversation with me it still weighs so heavy upon them. They wanted to, was going to, was almost ready… but never did.
What they are expressing more often than not, is regret.
Have you ever been there? Maybe you are currently living here. Smack in the middle of disappointment, in a place maybe physically or relationally or even financially that you never dreamed of being. From your perspective, relationships have gone terribly wrong, marriages have been ruined. You once had big dreams of a career and a life that was fulfilling and exciting. You wanted happiness, you deserve happiness, but… here you are today carrying that suitcase full of regrets.
There may have been unexpected happenings, bad choices, poor planning, or broken promises. It might not even be your fault at all. You wanted to, you planned to, you was going to, but… life happened. It seems so unfair. Others did amazing things and impacted the world, your family members did well financially, your friends all have careers that they love, and here you are merely existing it seems.
My friend can we just hit the pause button for a moment? What if where you are is actually where you are supposed to be? I’m not saying that God wants us to suffer and feel miserable. We must admit that we have a role in what brought us here. But what if where we are is exactly where God wants us to be right now? Instead of carrying the heavy baggage of regret around, what if we look around and see all of the reasons as to why our life is the way that it is. Like Esther in the Old Testament, “for such a time as this.”
You see our God is intentional. He is one that is precise and one who plans. He has actually had a plan for you and for me even before we were ever born. That is incredible! Rather than thinking of what might have been, what if we realized and truly lived in the today that He has given us? The broken road was one that shaped us and formed us and made us who we are right now and it is all part of His plan for us and for the world today.
Let’s change our story, shall we? Mine would sound a bit like this, “I was destined for hell, but… God said I was of too much value for that!” “I was going to live out a life without purpose, but… God put me where I could influence my children and impact others!” “I was going to have everything that I dreamed of in life, but… God gave me what I needed instead!” What a difference perspective makes.
There is a passage in Jeremiah 17:5-8 that reads, “The Lord says: Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from God (or from what God has for him). He is like a stunted shrub in the desert, with no hope for the future; he lives on the salt-encrusted plains in the barren wilderness; good times pass him by forever. But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence. He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water. A tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought. Its leaves stay green, and it goes right on producing all its luscious fruit.”
I want to encourage you to let go of the regret over things in the past, and to trust Him right where you are. Put down the roots. Find nourishment. Bring forth fruit.
Let’s find contentment in growing where God has planted us in life and let go of the regret. He doesn’t make mistakes.
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